This paper aims to improve the robustness of a small global model while maintaining clean accuracy under adversarial attacks and non-IID challenges in federated learning. By leveraging the concise knowledge embedded in the class probabilities from a pre-trained model for both clean and adversarial image classification, we propose a Pre-trained Model-guided Adversarial Federated Learning (PM-AFL) training paradigm. This paradigm integrates vanilla mixture and adversarial mixture knowledge distillation to effectively balance accuracy and robustness while promoting local models to learn from diverse data. Specifically, for clean accuracy, we adopt a dual distillation strategy where the class probabilities of randomly paired images and their blended versions are aligned between the teacher model and the local models. For adversarial robustness, we use a similar distillation approach but replace clean samples on the local side with adversarial examples. Moreover, considering the bias between local and global models, we also incorporate a consistency regularization term to ensure that local adversarial predictions stay aligned with their corresponding global clean ones. These strategies collectively enable local models to absorb diverse knowledge from the teacher model while maintaining close alignment with the global model, thereby mitigating overfitting to local optima and enhancing the generalization of the global model. Experiments demonstrate that the PM-AFL-based paradigm outperforms other methods that integrate defense strategies by a notable margin.