As a probabilistic modeling technique, the flow-based model has demonstrated remarkable potential in the field of lossless compression \cite{idf,idf++,lbb,ivpf,iflow},. Compared with other deep generative models (eg. Autoregressive, VAEs) \cite{bitswap,hilloc,pixelcnn++,pixelsnail} that explicitly model the data distribution probabilities, flow-based models perform better due to their excellent probability density estimation and satisfactory inference speed. In flow-based models, multi-scale architecture provides a shortcut from the shallow layer to the output layer, which significantly reduces the computational complexity and avoid performance degradation when adding more layers. This is essential for constructing an advanced flow-based learnable bijective mapping. Furthermore, the lightweight requirement of the model design in practical compression tasks suggests that flows with multi-scale architecture achieve the best trade-off between coding complexity and compression efficiency.