In this paper, we consider robotic tasks which require a desirable outcome to be achieved in the physical world that the robot is embedded in and interacting with. Accomplishing this objective requires designing a filter that maintains a useful representation of the physical world and a policy over the filter states. A filter is seen as the robot's perspective of the physical world based on limited sensing, memory, and computation and it is represented as a transition system over a space of information states. To this end, the interactions result from the coupling of an internal and an external system, a filter, and the physical world, respectively, through a sensor mapping and an information-feedback policy. Within this setup, we look for sufficient structures, that is, sufficient internal systems and sensors, for accomplishing a given task. We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for these structures to satisfy for information-feedback policies that can be defined over the states of an internal system to exist. We also show that under mild assumptions, minimal internal systems that can represent a particular plan/policy described over the action-observation histories exist and are unique. Finally, the results are applied to determine sufficient structures for distance-optimal navigation in a polygonal environment.