Autonomous navigation in crowded, complex urban environments requires interacting with other agents on the road. A common solution to this problem is to use a prediction model to guess the likely future actions of other agents. While this is reasonable, it leads to overly conservative plans because it does not explicitly model the mutual influence of the actions of interacting agents. This paper builds a reinforcement learning-based method named MIDAS where an ego-agent learns to affect the control actions of other cars in urban driving scenarios. MIDAS uses an attention-mechanism to handle an arbitrary number of other agents and includes a ''driver-type'' parameter to learn a single policy that works across different planning objectives. We build a simulation environment that enables diverse interaction experiments with a large number of agents and methods for quantitatively studying the safety, efficiency, and interaction among vehicles. MIDAS is validated using extensive experiments and we show that it (i) can work across different road geometries, (ii) results in an adaptive ego policy that can be tuned easily to satisfy performance criteria such as aggressive or cautious driving, (iii) is robust to changes in the driving policies of external agents, and (iv) is more efficient and safer than existing approaches to interaction-aware decision-making.