We investigate the learning dynamics of fully-connected neural networks through the lens of gradient signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), examining the behavior of first-order optimizers like Adam in non-convex objectives. By interpreting the drift/diffusion phases in the information bottleneck theory, focusing on gradient homogeneity, we identify a third phase termed ``total diffusion", characterized by equilibrium in the learning rates and homogeneous gradients. This phase is marked by an abrupt SNR increase, uniform residuals across the sample space and the most rapid training convergence. We propose a residual-based re-weighting scheme to accelerate this diffusion in quadratic loss functions, enhancing generalization. We also explore the information compression phenomenon, pinpointing a significant saturation-induced compression of activations at the total diffusion phase, with deeper layers experiencing negligible information loss. Supported by experimental data on physics-informed neural networks (PINNs), which underscore the importance of gradient homogeneity due to their PDE-based sample inter-dependence, our findings suggest that recognizing phase transitions could refine ML optimization strategies for improved generalization.