Speech synthesis technology has witnessed significant advancements in recent years, enabling the creation of natural and expressive synthetic speech. One area of particular interest is the generation of synthetic child speech, which presents unique challenges due to children's distinct vocal characteristics and developmental stages. This paper presents a novel approach that leverages the Fastpitch text-to-speech (TTS) model for generating high-quality synthetic child speech. This study uses the transfer learning training pipeline. The approach involved finetuning a multi-speaker TTS model to work with child speech. We use the cleaned version of the publicly available MyST dataset (55 hours) for our finetuning experiments. We also release a prototype dataset of synthetic speech samples generated from this research together with model code to support further research. By using a pretrained MOSNet, we conducted an objective assessment that showed a significant correlation between real and synthetic child voices. Additionally, to validate the intelligibility of the generated speech, we employed an automatic speech recognition (ASR) model to compare the word error rates (WER) of real and synthetic child voices. The speaker similarity between the real and generated speech is also measured using a pretrained speaker encoder.