In a code-switched (CS) scenario, the use of spoken language diarization (LD) as a pre-possessing system is essential. Further, the use of implicit frameworks is preferable over the explicit framework, as it can be easily adapted to deal with low/zero resource languages. Inspired by speaker diarization (SD) literature, three frameworks based on (1) fixed segmentation, (2) change point-based segmentation and (3) E2E are proposed to perform LD. The initial exploration with synthetic TTSF-LD dataset shows, using x-vector as implicit language representation with appropriate analysis window length ($N$) can able to achieve at per performance with explicit LD. The best implicit LD performance of $6.38$ in terms of Jaccard error rate (JER) is achieved by using the E2E framework. However, considering the E2E framework the performance of implicit LD degrades to $60.4$ while using with practical Microsoft CS (MSCS) dataset. The difference in performance is mostly due to the distributional difference between the monolingual segment duration of secondary language in the MSCS and TTSF-LD datasets. Moreover, to avoid segment smoothing, the smaller duration of the monolingual segment suggests the use of a small value of $N$. At the same time with small $N$, the x-vector representation is unable to capture the required language discrimination due to the acoustic similarity, as the same speaker is speaking both languages. Therefore, to resolve the issue a self-supervised implicit language representation is proposed in this study. In comparison with the x-vector representation, the proposed representation provides a relative improvement of $63.9\%$ and achieved a JER of $21.8$ using the E2E framework.