The Fisher information metric is an important foundation of information geometry, wherein it allows us to approximate the local geometry of a probability distribution. Recurrent neural networks such as the Sequence-to-Sequence (Seq2Seq) networks that have lately been used to yield state-of-the-art performance on speech translation or image captioning have so far ignored the geometry of the latent embedding, that they iteratively learn. We propose the information geometric Seq2Seq (GeoSeq2Seq) network which abridges the gap between deep recurrent neural networks and information geometry. Specifically, the latent embedding offered by a recurrent network is encoded as a Fisher kernel of a parametric Gaussian Mixture Model, a formalism common in computer vision. We utilise such a network to predict the shortest routes between two nodes of a graph by learning the adjacency matrix using the GeoSeq2Seq formalism; our results show that for such a problem the probabilistic representation of the latent embedding supersedes the non-probabilistic embedding by 10-15\%.