In this paper, we provide a geometric interpretation of the structure of shallow neural networks characterized by one hidden layer, a ramp activation function, an ${\mathcal L}^2$ Schatten class (or Hilbert-Schmidt) cost function, input space ${\mathbb R}^M$, output space ${\mathbb R}^Q$ with $Q\leq M$, and training input sample size $N>QM$. We prove an upper bound on the minimum of the cost function of order $O(\delta_P$ where $\delta_P$ measures the signal to noise ratio of training inputs. We obtain an approximate optimizer using projections adapted to the averages $\overline{x_{0,j}}$ of training input vectors belonging to the same output vector $y_j$, $j=1,\dots,Q$. In the special case $M=Q$, we explicitly determine an exact degenerate local minimum of the cost function; the sharp value differs from the upper bound obtained for $Q\leq M$ by a relative error $O(\delta_P^2)$. The proof of the upper bound yields a constructively trained network; we show that it metrizes the $Q$-dimensional subspace in the input space ${\mathbb R}^M$ spanned by $\overline{x_{0,j}}$, $j=1,\dots,Q$. We comment on the characterization of the global minimum of the cost function in the given context.