Understanding interior scenes has attracted enormous interest in computer vision community. However, few works focus on the understanding of furniture within the scenes and a large-scale dataset is also lacked to advance the field. In this paper, we first fill the gap by presenting DeepFurniture, a richly annotated large indoor scene dataset, including 24k indoor images, 170k furniture instances and 20k unique furniture identities. On the dataset, we introduce a new benchmark, named furniture set retrieval. Given an indoor photo as input, the task requires to detect all the furniture instances and search a matched set of furniture identities. To address this challenging task, we propose a feature and context embedding based framework. It contains 3 major contributions: (1) An improved Mask-RCNN model with an additional mask-based classifier is introduced for better utilizing the mask information to relieve the occlusion problems in furniture detection context. (2) A multi-task style Siamese network is proposed to train the feature embedding model for retrieval, which is composed of a classification subnet supervised by self-clustered pseudo attributes and a verification subnet to estimate whether the input pair is matched. (3) In order to model the relationship of the furniture entities in an interior design, a context embedding model is employed to re-rank the retrieval results. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of each module and the overall system.