This paper introduces the notion of upper linearizable/quadratizable functions, a class that extends concavity and DR-submodularity in various settings, including monotone and non-monotone cases over different convex sets. A general meta-algorithm is devised to convert algorithms for linear/quadratic maximization into ones that optimize upper quadratizable functions, offering a unified approach to tackling concave and DR-submodular optimization problems. The paper extends these results to multiple feedback settings, facilitating conversions between semi-bandit/first-order feedback and bandit/zeroth-order feedback, as well as between first/zeroth-order feedback and semi-bandit/bandit feedback. Leveraging this framework, new projection-free algorithms are derived using Follow The Perturbed Leader (FTPL) and other algorithms as base algorithms for linear/convex optimization, improving upon state-of-the-art results in various cases. Dynamic and adaptive regret guarantees are obtained for DR-submodular maximization, marking the first algorithms to achieve such guarantees in these settings. Notably, the paper achieves these advancements with fewer assumptions compared to existing state-of-the-art results, underscoring its broad applicability and theoretical contributions to non-convex optimization.