This paper investigates the ability of finite samples to identify two-layer irreducible shallow networks with various nonlinear activation functions, including rectified linear units (ReLU) and analytic functions such as the logistic sigmoid and hyperbolic tangent. An ``irreducible" network is one whose function cannot be represented by another network with fewer neurons. For ReLU activation functions, we first establish necessary and sufficient conditions for determining the irreducibility of a network. Subsequently, we prove a negative result: finite samples are insufficient for definitive identification of any irreducible ReLU shallow network. Nevertheless, we demonstrate that for a given irreducible network, one can construct a finite set of sampling points that can distinguish it from other network with the same neuron count. Conversely, for logistic sigmoid and hyperbolic tangent activation functions, we provide a positive result. We construct finite samples that enable the recovery of two-layer irreducible shallow analytic networks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the exact identification of two-layer irreducible networks using finite sample function values. Our findings provide insights into the comparative performance of networks with different activation functions under limited sampling conditions.