Evaluation of large-scale fingerprint search algorithms has been limited due to lack of publicly available datasets. A solution to this problem is to synthesize a dataset of fingerprints with characteristics similar to those of real fingerprints. We propose a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to synthesize a fingerprint dataset consisting of 100 million fingerprint images. In comparison to published methods, our approach incorporates an identity loss which guides the generator to synthesize a diverse set of fingerprints corresponding to more distinct identities. To demonstrate that the characteristics of our synthesized fingerprints are similar to those of real fingerprints, we show that (i) the NFIQ quality value distribution of the synthetic fingerprints follows the corresponding distribution of real fingerprints and (ii) the synthetic fingerprints are more distinct than existing synthetic fingerprints (and more closely align with the distinctiveness of real fingerprints). We use our synthesis algorithm to generate 100 million fingerprint images in 17.5 hours on 100 Tesla K80 GPUs when executed in parallel. Finally, we report for the first time in open literature, search accuracy (DeepPrint rank-1 accuracy of 91.4%) against a gallery of 100 million fingerprint images (using 2,000 NIST SD4 rolled prints as the queries).