Real world datasets are sparse, dirty and contain hundreds of items. In such situations, discovering interesting rules (results) using traditional frequent itemset mining approach by specifying a user defined input support threshold is not appropriate. Since without any domain knowledge, setting support threshold small or large can output nothing or a large number of redundant uninteresting results. Recently a novel approach of mining only N-most/Top-K interesting frequent itemsets has been proposed, which discovers the top N interesting results without specifying any user defined support threshold. However, mining interesting frequent itemsets without minimum support threshold are more costly in terms of itemset search space exploration and processing cost. Thereby, the efficiency of their mining highly depends upon three main factors (1) Database representation approach used for itemset frequency counting, (2) Projection of relevant transactions to lower level nodes of search space and (3) Algorithm implementation technique. Therefore, to improve the efficiency of mining process, in this paper we present two novel algorithms called (N-MostMiner and Top-K-Miner) using the bit-vector representation approach which is very efficient in terms of itemset frequency counting and transactions projection. In addition to this, several efficient implementation techniques of N-MostMiner and Top-K-Miner are also present which we experienced in our implementation. Our experimental results on benchmark datasets suggest that the NMostMiner and Top-K-Miner are very efficient in terms of processing time as compared to current best algorithms BOMO and TFP.