Distributional reinforcement learning (RL) aims to learn a value-network that predicts the full distribution of the returns for a given state, often modeled via a quantile-based critic. This approach has been successfully integrated into common RL methods for continuous control, giving rise to algorithms such as Distributional Soft Actor-Critic (DSAC). In this paper, we introduce multi-sample target values (MTV) for distributional RL, as a principled replacement for single-sample target value estimation, as commonly employed in current practice. The improved distributional estimates further lend themselves to UCB-based exploration. These two ideas are combined to yield our distributional RL algorithm, E2DC (Extra Exploration with Distributional Critics). We evaluate our approach on a range of continuous control tasks and demonstrate state-of-the-art model-free performance on difficult tasks such as Humanoid control. We provide further insight into the method via visualization and analysis of the learned distributions and their evolution during training.