Many modern methods for prediction leverage nearest neighbor search to find past training examples most similar to a test example, an idea that dates back in text to at least the 11th century and has stood the test of time. This monograph aims to explain the success of these methods, both in theory, for which we cover foundational nonasymptotic statistical guarantees on nearest-neighbor-based regression and classification, and in practice, for which we gather prominent methods for approximate nearest neighbor search that have been essential to scaling prediction systems reliant on nearest neighbor analysis to handle massive datasets. Furthermore, we discuss connections to learning distances for use with nearest neighbor methods, including how random decision trees and ensemble methods learn nearest neighbor structure, as well as recent developments in crowdsourcing and graphons. In terms of theory, our focus is on nonasymptotic statistical guarantees, which we state in the form of how many training data and what algorithm parameters ensure that a nearest neighbor prediction method achieves a user-specified error tolerance. We begin with the most general of such results for nearest neighbor and related kernel regression and classification in general metric spaces. In such settings in which we assume very little structure, what enables successful prediction is smoothness in the function being estimated for regression, and a low probability of landing near the decision boundary for classification. In practice, these conditions could be difficult to verify for a real dataset. We then cover recent guarantees on nearest neighbor prediction in the three case studies of time series forecasting, recommending products to people over time, and delineating human organs in medical images by looking at image patches. In these case studies, clustering structure enables successful prediction.