In the 1950s Horace Barlow and Fred Attneave suggested a connection between sensory systems and how they are adapted to the environment: early vision evolved to maximise the information it conveys about incoming signals. Following Shannon's definition, this information was described using the probability of the images taken from natural scenes. Previously, direct accurate predictions of image probabilities were not possible due to computational limitations. Despite the exploration of this idea being indirect, mainly based on oversimplified models of the image density or on system design methods, these methods had success in reproducing a wide range of physiological and psychophysical phenomena. In this paper, we directly evaluate the probability of natural images and analyse how it may determine perceptual sensitivity. We employ image quality metrics that correlate well with human opinion as a surrogate of human vision, and an advanced generative model to directly estimate the probability. Specifically, we analyse how the sensitivity of full-reference image quality metrics can be predicted from quantities derived directly from the probability distribution of natural images. First, we compute the mutual information between a wide range of probability surrogates and the sensitivity of the metrics and find that the most influential factor is the probability of the noisy image. Then we explore how these probability surrogates can be combined using a simple model to predict the metric sensitivity, giving an upper bound for the correlation of 0.85 between the model predictions and the actual perceptual sensitivity. Finally, we explore how to combine the probability surrogates using simple expressions, and obtain two functional forms (using one or two surrogates) that can be used to predict the sensitivity of the human visual system given a particular pair of images.