Dataset distillation aims to find a synthetic training set such that training on the synthetic data achieves similar performance to training on real data, with orders of magnitude less computational requirements. Existing methods can be broadly categorized as either bi-level optimization problems that have neural network training heuristics as the lower level problem, or disentangled methods that bypass the bi-level optimization by matching distributions of data. The latter method has the major advantages of speed and scalability in terms of size of both training and distilled datasets. We demonstrate that when equipped with an encoder-decoder structure, the empirically successful disentangled methods can be reformulated as an optimal quantization problem, where a finite set of points is found to approximate the underlying probability measure by minimizing the expected projection distance. In particular, we link existing disentangled dataset distillation methods to the classical optimal quantization and Wasserstein barycenter problems, demonstrating consistency of distilled datasets for diffusion-based generative priors. We propose a simple extension of the state-of-the-art data distillation method D4M, achieving better performance on the ImageNet-1K dataset with trivial additional computation, and state-of-the-art performance in higher image-per-class settings.