Radar must adapt to changing environments, and we propose changepoint detection as a method to do so. In the world of increasingly congested radio frequencies, radars must adapt to avoid interference. Many radar systems employ the prediction action cycle to proactively determine transmission mode while spectrum sharing. This method constructs and implements a model of the environment to predict unused frequencies, and then transmits in this predicted availability. For these selection strategies, performance is directly reliant on the quality of the underlying environmental models. In order to keep up with a changing environment, these models can employ changepoint detection. Changepoint detection is the identification of sudden changes, or changepoints, in the distribution from which data is drawn. This information allows the models to discard "garbage" data from a previous distribution, which has no relation to the current state of the environment. In this work, bayesian online changepoint detection (BOCD) is applied to the sense and predict algorithm to increase the accuracy of its models and improve its performance. In the context of spectrum sharing, these changepoints represent interferers leaving and entering the spectral environment. The addition of changepoint detection allows for dynamic and robust spectrum sharing even as interference patterns change dramatically. BOCD is especially advantageous because it enables online changepoint detection, allowing models to be updated continuously as data are collected. This strategy can also be applied to many other predictive algorithms that create models in a changing environment.