Accurate prediction of Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in medical imaging is central to effective patient health management. Previous studies have demonstrated that imaging features in computed tomography (CT) can help predict CVD risk. However, CT entails notable radiation exposure, which may result in adverse health effects for patients. In contrast, chest X-ray emits significantly lower levels of radiation, offering a safer option. This rationale motivates our investigation into the feasibility of using chest X-ray for predicting CVD risk. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Transformers are two established network architectures for computer-aided diagnosis. However, they struggle to model very high resolution chest X-ray due to the lack of large context modeling power or quadratic time complexity. Inspired by state space sequence models (SSMs), a new class of network architectures with competitive sequence modeling power as Transfomers and linear time complexity, we propose Bidirectional Image Mamba (BI-Mamba) to complement the unidirectional SSMs with opposite directional information. BI-Mamba utilizes parallel forward and backwark blocks to encode longe-range dependencies of multi-view chest X-rays. We conduct extensive experiments on images from 10,395 subjects in National Lung Screening Trail (NLST). Results show that BI-Mamba outperforms ResNet-50 and ViT-S with comparable parameter size, and saves significant amount of GPU memory during training. Besides, BI-Mamba achieves promising performance compared with previous state of the art in CT, unraveling the potential of chest X-ray for CVD risk prediction.