Discovering governing equations from data is critical for diverse scientific disciplines as they can provide insights into the underlying phenomenon of dynamic systems. This work presents a new representation for governing equations by designing the Mathematical Operation Network (MathONet) with a deep neural network-like hierarchical structure. Specifically, the MathONet is stacked by several layers of unary operations (e.g., sin, cos, log) and binary operations (e.g., +,-), respectively. An initialized MathONet is typically regarded as a super-graph with a redundant structure, a sub-graph of which can yield the governing equation. We develop a sparse group Bayesian learning algorithm to extract the sub-graph by employing structurally constructed priors over the redundant mathematical operations. By demonstrating the chaotic Lorenz system, Lotka-Volterra system, and Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov system, the proposed method can discover the ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs) from the observations given limited mathematical operations, without any prior knowledge on possible expressions of the ODEs and PDEs.