Large language models (LLMs) achieve remarkable performance on challenging benchmarks that are often structured as multiple-choice question-answering (QA) tasks. Zero-shot Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting enhances reasoning in LLMs but provides only vague and generic guidance ("think step by step"). This paper introduces ARR, an intuitive and effective zero-shot prompting method that explicitly incorporates three key steps in QA solving: analyzing the intent of the question, retrieving relevant information, and reasoning step by step. Comprehensive experiments across diverse and challenging QA tasks demonstrate that ARR consistently improves the Baseline (without ARR prompting) and outperforms CoT. Ablation and case studies further validate the positive contributions of each component: analyzing, retrieving, and reasoning. Notably, intent analysis plays a vital role in ARR. Additionally, extensive evaluations across various model sizes, LLM series, and generation settings solidify the effectiveness, robustness, and generalizability of ARR.