Interferometric Vision-Based Navigation (iVisNav) is a novel optoelectronic sensor for autonomous proximity operations. iVisNav employs laser emitting structured beacons and precisely characterizes six degrees of freedom relative motion rates by measuring changes in the phase of the transmitted laser pulses. iVisNav's embedded package must efficiently process high frequency dynamics for robust sensing and estimation. A new embedded system for least squares-based rate estimation is developed in this paper. The resulting system is capable of interfacing with the photonics and implement the estimation algorithm in a field-programmable gate array. The embedded package is shown to be a hardware/software co-design handling estimation procedure using finite precision arithmetic for high-speed computation. The accuracy of the finite precision FPGA hardware design is compared with the floating-point software evaluation of the algorithm on MATLAB to benchmark its performance and statistical consistency with the error measures. Implementation results demonstrate the utility of FPGA computing capabilities for high-speed proximity navigation using iVisNav.