A classic inferential problem in statistics is the two-sample hypothesis test, where we test whether two samples of observations are either drawn from the same distribution or two distinct distributions. However, standard methods for performing this test require strong distributional assumptions on the two samples of data. We propose a semi-Bayesian nonparametric (semi-BNP) procedure for the two-sample hypothesis testing problem. First, we will derive a novel BNP maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) measure-based hypothesis test. Next, we will show that our proposed test will outperform frequentist MMD-based methods by yielding a smaller false rejection and acceptance rate of the null. Finally, we will show that we can embed our proposed hypothesis testing procedure within a generative adversarial network (GAN) framework as an application of our method. Using our novel BNP hypothesis test, this new GAN approach can help to mitigate the lack of diversity in the generated samples and produce a more accurate inferential algorithm compared to traditional techniques.