Accurately identifying cancer samples is crucial for precise diagnosis and effective patient treatment. Traditional methods falter with high-dimensional and high feature-to-sample count ratios, which are critical for classifying cancer samples. This study aims to develop a novel feature selection framework specifically for transcriptome data and propose two ensemble classifiers. For feature selection, we partition the transcriptome dataset vertically based on feature types. Then apply the Boruta feature selection process on each of the partitions, combine the results, and apply Boruta again on the combined result. We repeat the process with different parameters of Boruta and prepare the final feature set. Finally, we constructed two ensemble ML models based on LR, SVM and XGBoost classifiers with max voting and averaging probability approach. We used 10-fold cross-validation to ensure robust and reliable classification performance. With 97.11\% accuracy and 0.9996 AUC value, our approach performs better compared to existing state-of-the-art methods to classify 33 types of cancers. A set of 12 types of cancer is traditionally challenging to differentiate between each other due to their similarity in tissue of origin. Our method accurately identifies over 90\% of samples from these 12 types of cancers, which outperforms all known methods presented in existing literature. The gene set enrichment analysis reveals that our framework's selected features have enriched the pathways highly related to cancers. This study develops a feature selection framework to select features highly related to cancer development and leads to identifying different types of cancer samples with higher accuracy.