In this work, we introduce a collision model specifically tailored for the simulation of inextensible textiles. The model considers friction, contacts, and inextensibility constraints all at the same time without any decoupling. Self-collisions are modeled in a natural way that allows considering the thickness of cloth without introducing unwanted oscillations. The discretization of the equations of motion leads naturally to a sequence of quadratic problems with inequality and equality constraints. In order to solve these problems efficiently, we develop a novel active-set algorithm that takes into account past active constraints to accelerate the resolution of unresolved contacts. We put to a test the developed collision procedure with diverse scenarios involving static and dynamic friction, sharp objects, and complex-topology folding sequences. Finally, we perform an experimental validation of the collision model by comparing simulations with recordings of real textiles as given by a $\textit{Motion Capture System}$. The results are very accurate, having errors around 1 cm for DIN A2 textiles (42 x 59.4 cm) even in difficult scenarios involving fast and strong hits with a rigid object.