Meta-learning is a line of research that develops the ability to leverage past experiences to efficiently solve new learning problems. Meta-Reinforcement Learning (meta-RL) methods demonstrate a capability to learn behaviors that efficiently acquire and exploit information in several meta-RL problems. In this context, the Alchemy benchmark has been proposed by Wang et al. [2021]. Alchemy features a rich structured latent space that is challenging for state-of-the-art model-free RL methods. These methods fail to learn to properly explore then exploit. We develop a model-based algorithm. We train a model whose principal block is a Transformer Encoder to fit the symbolic Alchemy environment dynamics. Then we define an online planner with the learned model using a tree search method. This algorithm significantly outperforms previously applied model-free RL methods on the symbolic Alchemy problem. Our results reveal the relevance of model-based approaches with online planning to perform exploration and exploitation successfully in meta-RL. Moreover, we show the efficiency of the Transformer architecture to learn complex dynamics that arise from latent spaces present in meta-RL problems.