Most of existing synthetic aperture radar (SAR) ship in-stance segmentation models do not achieve mask interac-tion or offer limited interaction performance. Besides, their multi-scale ship instance segmentation performance is moderate especially for small ships. To solve these problems, we propose a mask attention interaction and scale enhancement network (MAI-SE-Net) for SAR ship instance segmentation. MAI uses an atrous spatial pyra-mid pooling (ASPP) to gain multi-resolution feature re-sponses, a non-local block (NLB) to model long-range spa-tial dependencies, and a concatenation shuffle attention block (CSAB) to improve interaction benefits. SE uses a content-aware reassembly of features block (CARAFEB) to generate an extra pyramid bottom-level to boost small ship performance, a feature balance operation (FBO) to improve scale feature description, and a global context block (GCB) to refine features. Experimental results on two public SSDD and HRSID datasets reveal that MAI-SE-Net outperforms the other nine competitive models, better than the suboptimal model by 4.7% detec-tion AP and 3.4% segmentation AP on SSDD and by 3.0% detection AP and 2.4% segmentation AP on HRSID.