Abstract:Tropical cyclone (TC) forecasting is crucial for disaster preparedness and mitigation. While recent deep learning approaches have shown promise, existing methods often treat TC evolution as a series of independent frame-to-frame predictions, limiting their ability to capture long-term dynamics. We present a novel application of video diffusion models for TC forecasting that explicitly models temporal dependencies through additional temporal layers. Our approach enables the model to generate multiple frames simultaneously, better capturing cyclone evolution patterns. We introduce a two-stage training strategy that significantly improves individual-frame quality and performance in low-data regimes. Experimental results show our method outperforms the previous approach of Nath et al. by 19.3% in MAE, 16.2% in PSNR, and 36.1% in SSIM. Most notably, we extend the reliable forecasting horizon from 36 to 50 hours. Through comprehensive evaluation using both traditional metrics and Fr\'echet Video Distance (FVD), we demonstrate that our approach produces more temporally coherent forecasts while maintaining competitive single-frame quality. Code accessible at https://github.com/Ren-creater/forecast-video-diffmodels.