Abstract:To alleviate the bias generated by the l1-norm in the low-rank tensor completion problem, nonconvex surrogates/regularizers have been suggested to replace the tensor nuclear norm, although both can achieve sparsity. However, the thresholding functions of these nonconvex regularizers may not have closed-form expressions and thus iterations are needed, which increases the computational loads. To solve this issue, we devise a framework to generate sparsity-inducing regularizers with closed-form thresholding functions. These regularizers are applied to low-tubal-rank tensor completion, and efficient algorithms based on the alternating direction method of multipliers are developed. Furthermore, convergence of our methods is analyzed and it is proved that the generated sequences are bounded and any limit point is a stationary point. Experimental results using synthetic and real-world datasets show that the proposed algorithms outperform the state-of-the-art methods in terms of restoration performance.
Abstract:M-estmators including the Welsch and Cauchy have been widely adopted for robustness against outliers, but they also down-weigh the uncontaminated data. To address this issue, we devise a framework to generate a class of nonconvex functions which only down-weigh outlier-corrupted observations. Our framework is then applied to the Welsch, Cauchy and $\ell_p$-norm functions to produce the corresponding robust loss functions. Targeting on the application of robust matrix completion, efficient algorithms based on these functions are developed and their convergence is analyzed. Finally, extensive numerical results demonstrate that the proposed methods are superior to the competitors in terms of recovery accuracy and runtime.
Abstract:Applying half-quadratic optimization to loss functions can yield the corresponding regularizers, while these regularizers are usually not sparsity-inducing regularizers (SIRs). To solve this problem, we devise a framework to generate an SIR with closed-form proximity operator. Besides, we specify our framework using several commonly-used loss functions, and produce the corresponding SIRs, which are then adopted as nonconvex rank surrogates for low-rank matrix completion. Furthermore, algorithms based on the alternating direction method of multipliers are developed. Extensive numerical results show the effectiveness of our methods in terms of recovery performance and runtime.
Abstract:This paper presents a novel loss function referred to as hybrid ordinary-Welsch (HOW) and a new sparsity-inducing regularizer associated with HOW. We theoretically show that the regularizer is quasiconvex and that the corresponding Moreau envelope is convex. Moreover, the closed-form solution to its Moreau envelope, namely, the proximity operator, is derived. Compared with nonconvex regularizers like the lp-norm with 0<p<1 that requires iterations to find the corresponding proximity operator, the developed regularizer has a closed-form proximity operator. We apply our regularizer to the robust matrix completion problem, and develop an efficient algorithm based on the alternating direction method of multipliers. The convergence of the suggested method is analyzed and we prove that any generated accumulation point is a stationary point. Finally, experimental results based on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that our algorithm is superior to the state-of-the-art methods in terms of restoration performance.