Abstract:The challenge of formal proof generation has a rich history, but with modern techniques, we may finally be at the stage of making actual progress in real-life mathematical problems. This paper explores the integration of ChatGPT and basic searching techniques to simplify generating formal proofs, with a particular focus on the miniF2F dataset. We demonstrate how combining a large language model like ChatGPT with a formal language such as Lean, which has the added advantage of being verifiable, enhances the efficiency and accessibility of formal proof generation. Despite its simplicity, our best-performing Lean-based model surpasses all known benchmarks with a 31.15% pass rate. We extend our experiments to include other datasets and employ alternative language models, showcasing our models' comparable performance in diverse settings and allowing for a more nuanced analysis of our results. Our findings offer insights into AI-assisted formal proof generation, suggesting a promising direction for future research in formal mathematical proof.
Abstract:In this paper, we develop the Laplacian pyramid-like autoencoder (LPAE) by adding the Laplacian pyramid (LP) concept widely used to analyze images in Signal Processing. LPAE decomposes an image into the approximation image and the detail image in the encoder part and then tries to reconstruct the original image in the decoder part using the two components. We use LPAE for experiments on classifications and super-resolution areas. Using the detail image and the smaller-sized approximation image as inputs of a classification network, our LPAE makes the model lighter. Moreover, we show that the performance of the connected classification networks has remained substantially high. In a super-resolution area, we show that the decoder part gets a high-quality reconstruction image by setting to resemble the structure of LP. Consequently, LPAE improves the original results by combining the decoder part of the autoencoder and the super-resolution network.