Abstract:Sequential neural posterior estimation (SNPE) techniques have been recently proposed for dealing with simulation-based models with intractable likelihoods. They are devoted to learning the posterior from adaptively proposed simulations using neural network-based conditional density estimators. As a SNPE technique, the automatic posterior transformation (APT) method proposed by Greenberg et al. (2019) performs notably and scales to high dimensional data. However, the APT method bears the computation of an expectation of the logarithm of an intractable normalizing constant, i.e., a nested expectation. Although atomic APT was proposed to solve this by discretizing the normalizing constant, it remains challenging to analyze the convergence of learning. In this paper, we propose a nested APT method to estimate the involved nested expectation instead. This facilitates establishing the convergence analysis. Since the nested estimators for the loss function and its gradient are biased, we make use of unbiased multi-level Monte Carlo (MLMC) estimators for debiasing. To further reduce the excessive variance of the unbiased estimators, this paper also develops some truncated MLMC estimators by taking account of the trade-off between the bias and the average cost. Numerical experiments for approximating complex posteriors with multimodal in moderate dimensions are provided.
Abstract:Sequential neural posterior estimation (SNPE) techniques have been recently proposed for dealing with simulation-based models with intractable likelihoods. Unlike approximate Bayesian computation, SNPE techniques learn the posterior from sequential simulation using neural network-based conditional density estimators by minimizing a specific loss function. The SNPE method proposed by Lueckmann et al. (2017) used a calibration kernel to boost the sample weights around the observed data, resulting in a concentrated loss function. However, the use of calibration kernels may increase the variances of both the empirical loss and its gradient, making the training inefficient. To improve the stability of SNPE, this paper proposes to use an adaptive calibration kernel and several variance reduction techniques. The proposed method greatly speeds up the process of training, and provides a better approximation of the posterior than the original SNPE method and some existing competitors as confirmed by numerical experiments.
Abstract:Many modern statistical analysis and machine learning applications require training models on sensitive user data. Differential privacy provides a formal guarantee that individual-level information about users does not leak. In this framework, randomized algorithms inject calibrated noise into the confidential data, resulting in privacy-protected datasets or queries. However, restricting access to only the privatized data during statistical analysis makes it computationally challenging to perform valid inferences on parameters underlying the confidential data. In this work, we propose simulation-based inference methods from privacy-protected datasets. Specifically, we use neural conditional density estimators as a flexible family of distributions to approximate the posterior distribution of model parameters given the observed private query results. We illustrate our methods on discrete time-series data under an infectious disease model and on ordinary linear regression models. Illustrating the privacy-utility trade-off, our experiments and analysis demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of designing valid statistical inference procedures to correct for biases introduced by the privacy-protection mechanisms.