Abstract:3D image scans are an assessment tool for neurological damage in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. This diagnosis process can be automatized to help medical staff through Decision Support Systems (DSSs), and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are good candidates, because they are effective when applied to spatial data. This paper proposes a 3D CNN ordinal model for assessing the level or neurological damage in PD patients. Given that CNNs need large datasets to achieve acceptable performance, a data augmentation method is adapted to work with spatial data. We consider the Ordinal Graph-based Oversampling via Shortest Paths (OGO-SP) method, which applies a gamma probability distribution for inter-class data generation. A modification of OGO-SP is proposed, the OGO-SP-$\beta$ algorithm, which applies the beta distribution for generating synthetic samples in the inter-class region, a better suited distribution when compared to gamma. The evaluation of the different methods is based on a novel 3D image dataset provided by the Hospital Universitario 'Reina Sof\'ia' (C\'ordoba, Spain). We show how the ordinal methodology improves the performance with respect to the nominal one, and how OGO-SP-$\beta$ yields better performance than OGO-SP.
Abstract:This paper proposes a deep convolutional neural network model for ordinal regression by considering a family of probabilistic ordinal link functions in the output layer. The link functions are those used for cumulative link models, which are traditional statistical linear models based on projecting each pattern into a 1-dimensional space. A set of ordered thresholds splits this space into the different classes of the problem. In our case, the projections are estimated by a non-linear deep neural network. To further improve the results, we combine these ordinal models with a loss function that takes into account the distance between the categories, based on the weighted Kappa index. Three different link functions are studied in the experimental study, and the results are contrasted with statistical analysis. The experiments run over two different ordinal classification problems, and the statistical tests confirm that these models improve the results of a nominal model and outperform other proposals considered in the literature.