Abstract:The success of modern Deep Neural Network (DNN) approaches can be attributed to the use of complex optimization criteria beyond standard losses such as mean absolute error (MAE) or mean squared error (MSE). In this work, we propose a novel method of utilising a no-reference sharpness metric Q introduced by Zhu and Milanfar for removing out-of-focus blur from images. We also introduce a novel dataset of real-world out-of-focus images for assessing restoration models. Our fine-tuned method produces images with a 7.5 % increase in perceptual quality (LPIPS) as compared to a standard model trained only on MAE. Furthermore, we observe a 6.7 % increase in Q (reflecting sharper restorations) and 7.25 % increase in PSNR over most state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods.
Abstract:The field of image deblurring has seen tremendous progress with the rise of deep learning models. These models, albeit efficient, are computationally expensive and energy consuming. Dictionary based learning approaches have shown promising results in image denoising and Single Image Super-Resolution. We propose an extension of the Rapid and Accurate Image Super-Resolution (RAISR) algorithm introduced by Isidoro, Romano and Milanfar for the task of out-of-focus blur removal. We define a sharpness quality measure which aligns well with the perceptual quality of an image. A metric based blending strategy based on asset allocation management is also proposed. Our method demonstrates an average increase of approximately 13% (PSNR) and 10% (SSIM) compared to popular deblurring methods. Furthermore, our blending scheme curtails ringing artefacts post restoration.