Abstract:Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) have become a promising candidate for the development of future mobile systems. In the context of massive machine-type communications (mMTC), a RIS can be used to support the transmission from a group of sensors to a collector node. Due to the short data packets, we focus on the design of the RIS for maximizing the weighted sum and minimum rates in the finite blocklength regime. Under the assumption of non-orthogonal multiple access, successive interference cancelation is considered as a decoding scheme to mitigate interference. Accordingly, we formulate the optimizations as non-convex problems and propose two sub-optimal solutions based on gradient ascent (GA) and sequential optimization (SO) with semi-definite relaxation (SDR). In the GA, we distinguish between Euclidean and Riemannian gradients. For the SO, we derive a concave lower bound for the throughput and maximize it sequentially applying SDR. Numerical results show that the SO can outperform the GA and that strategies relying on the optimization of the classical Shannon capacity might be inadequate for mMTC networks.
Abstract:Machine-type communications (MTC) are crucial in the evolution of mobile communication systems. Within this context, we distinguish the so-called massive MTC (mMTC), where a large number of devices coexist in the same geographical area. In the case of sensors, a high correlation in the collected information is expected. In this letter, we evaluate the impact of correlation on the entropy of a set of quantized Gaussian sources. This model allows us to express the sensed data with the data correlation matrix. Given the nature of mMTC, these matrices may be well approximated as rank deficient. Accordingly, we exploit this singularity to design a technique for switching off several sensors that maximizes the entropy under power-related constraints. The discrete optimization problem is transformed into a convex formulation that can be solved numerically.
Abstract:This paper presents an estimation approach within the framework of uplink massive machine-type communications (mMTC) that considers the energy limitations of the devices. We focus on a scenario where a group of sensors observe a set of parameters and send the measured information to a collector node (CN). The CN is responsible for estimating the original observations, which are spatially correlated and corrupted by measurement and quantization noise. Given the use of Gaussian sources, the minimum mean squared error (MSE) estimation is employed and, when considering temporal evolution, the use of Kalman filters is studied. Based on that, we propose a device selection strategy to reduce the number of active sensors and a quantization scheme with adjustable number of bits to minimize the overall payload. The set of selected sensors and quantization levels are, thus, designed to minimize the MSE. For a more realistic analysis, communication errors are also included by averaging the MSE over the error decoding probabilities. We evaluate the performance of our strategy in a practical mMTC system with synthetic and real databases. Simulation results show that the optimization of the payload and the set of active devices can reduce the power consumption without compromising the estimation accuracy.
Abstract:This paper presents several analytic closed-form approximations of the aggregated interference statistics within the framework of uplink massive machine-type communications (mMTC), taking into account the random activity of the sensors. Given its discrete nature and the large number of devices involved, a continuous approximation based on the Gram--Charlier series expansion of a truncated Gaussian kernel is proposed. We use this approximation to derive an analytic closed-form expression for the outage probability, corresponding to the event of the signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio being below a detection threshold. This metric is useful since it can be used for evaluating the performance of mMTC systems. We analyze, as an illustrative application of the previous approximation, a scenario with several multi-antenna collector nodes, each equipped with a set of predefined spatial beams. We consider two setups, namely single- and multiple-resource, in reference to the number of resources that are allocated to each beam. A graph-based approach that minimizes the average outage probability, and that is based on the statistics approximation, is used as allocation strategy. Finally, we describe an access protocol where the resource identifiers are broadcast (distributed) through the beams. Numerical simulations prove the accuracy of the approximations and the benefits of the allocation strategy.
Abstract:This paper tackles the problem of designing proper uplink multiple access (MA) schemes for coexistence between enhanced mobile broadband+ (eMBB+) users and massive machine-type communications+ (mMTC+) devices in a terminal-centric cell-free massive MIMO system. Specifically, the use of a time-frequency spreading technique for the mMTC+ devices has been proposed. Coupled with the assumption of imperfect channel knowledge, closed-form bounds of the achievable (ergodic) rate for the two types of data services are derived. Using suitable power control mechanisms, we show it is possible to efficiently multiplex eMBB+ and mMTC+ traffic in the same time-frequency resource grid. Numerical experiments reveal interesting trade-offs in the selection of the spreading gain and the number of serving access points within the system. Results also demonstrate that the performance of the mMTC+ devices is slightly affected by the presence of the eMBB+ users. Overall, our approach can endow good quality of service to both 6G cornerstones at once.
Abstract:This paper addresses the problem of scalability for a cell-free massive MIMO (CF-mMIMO) system performing Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC). Specifically, the case in which a large number of access points (APs) are deployed to perform simultaneous communication with mobile users and surveillance of the surrounding environment in the same time-frequency slot is considered, and a target-centric approach on top of the user-centric approach used for communication services is introduced. Consideration of other practical aspects such as the fronthaul load and scanning protocol issues are also treated in the paper. The proposed scalable ISAC-enabled system has lower levels of system complexity, permits to manage the case in which multiple targets are to be tracked/sensed, and achieves performance levels superior or in some cases close to those of the non-scalable solutions.
Abstract:The impressive growth of wireless data networks has recently led to increased attention to the issue of electromagnetic pollution. Specific absorption rates and incident power densities have become popular indicators for measuring electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure. This paper tackles the problem of power control in user-centric cell-free massive multiple-input-multiple-output (CF-mMIMO) systems under EMF constraints. Specifically, the power allocation maximizing the minimum data rate across users is derived for both the uplink and the downlink under EMF constraints. The developed solution is also applied to a cellular mMIMO system and compared to other benchmark strategies. Simulation results prove that EMF safety restrictions can be easily met without jeopardizing the minimum data rate, that the CF-mMIMO outperforms the multi-cell massive MIMO deployment, and that the proposed power control strategy greatly improves the system fairness.