Abstract:We present a new local entity disambiguation system. The key to our system is a novel approach for learning entity representations. In our approach we learn an entity aware extension of Embedding for Language Model (ELMo) which we call Entity-ELMo (E-ELMo). Given a paragraph containing one or more named entity mentions, each mention is first defined as a function of the entire paragraph (including other mentions), then they predict the referent entities. Utilizing E-ELMo for local entity disambiguation, we outperform all of the state-of-the-art local and global models on the popular benchmarks by improving about 0.5\% on micro average accuracy for AIDA test-b with Yago candidate set. The evaluation setup of the training data and candidate set are the same as our baselines for fair comparison.
Abstract:In this paper, we present a novel model for entity disambiguation that combines both local contextual information and global evidences through Limited Discrepancy Search (LDS). Given an input document, we start from a complete solution constructed by a local model and conduct a search in the space of possible corrections to improve the local solution from a global view point. Our search utilizes a heuristic function to focus more on the least confident local decisions and a pruning function to score the global solutions based on their local fitness and the global coherences among the predicted entities. Experimental results on CoNLL 2003 and TAC 2010 benchmarks verify the effectiveness of our model.