Volograms ltd, Dublin, Ireland
Abstract:We present RGB-D-Fusion, a multi-modal conditional denoising diffusion probabilistic model to generate high resolution depth maps from low-resolution monocular RGB images of humanoid subjects. RGB-D-Fusion first generates a low-resolution depth map using an image conditioned denoising diffusion probabilistic model and then upsamples the depth map using a second denoising diffusion probabilistic model conditioned on a low-resolution RGB-D image. We further introduce a novel augmentation technique, depth noise augmentation, to increase the robustness of our super-resolution model.
Abstract:We present VoloGAN, an adversarial domain adaptation network that translates synthetic RGB-D images of a high-quality 3D model of a person, into RGB-D images that could be generated with a consumer depth sensor. This system is especially useful to generate high amount training data for single-view 3D reconstruction algorithms replicating the real-world capture conditions, being able to imitate the style of different sensor types, for the same high-end 3D model database. The network uses a CycleGAN framework with a U-Net architecture for the generator and a discriminator inspired by SIV-GAN. We use different optimizers and learning rate schedules to train the generator and the discriminator. We further construct a loss function that considers image channels individually and, among other metrics, evaluates the structural similarity. We demonstrate that CycleGANs can be used to apply adversarial domain adaptation of synthetic 3D data to train a volumetric video generator model having only few training samples.