Abstract:There is a significant gap between our theoretical understanding of optimization algorithms used in deep learning and their practical performance. Theoretical development usually focuses on proving convergence guarantees under a variety of different assumptions, which are themselves often chosen based on a rough combination of intuitive match to practice and analytical convenience. The theory/practice gap may then arise because of the failure to prove a theorem under such assumptions, or because the assumptions do not reflect reality. In this paper, we carefully measure the degree to which these assumptions are capable of explaining modern optimization algorithms by developing new empirical metrics that closely track the key quantities that must be controlled in theoretical analysis. All of our tested assumptions (including typical modern assumptions based on bounds on the Hessian) fail to reliably capture optimization performance. This highlights a need for new empirical verification of analytical assumptions used in theoretical analysis.
Abstract:We introduce a new zeroth-order algorithm for private stochastic optimization on nonconvex and nonsmooth objectives. Given a dataset of size $M$, our algorithm ensures $(\alpha,\alpha\rho^2/2)$-R\'enyi differential privacy and finds a $(\delta,\epsilon)$-stationary point so long as $M=\tilde\Omega\left(\frac{d}{\delta\epsilon^3} + \frac{d^{3/2}}{\rho\delta\epsilon^2}\right)$. This matches the optimal complexity of its non-private zeroth-order analog. Notably, although the objective is not smooth, we have privacy ``for free'' whenever $\rho \ge \sqrt{d}\epsilon$.
Abstract:Training neural networks requires optimizing a loss function that may be highly irregular, and in particular neither convex nor smooth. Popular training algorithms are based on stochastic gradient descent with momentum (SGDM), for which classical analysis applies only if the loss is either convex or smooth. We show that a very small modification to SGDM closes this gap: simply scale the update at each time point by an exponentially distributed random scalar. The resulting algorithm achieves optimal convergence guarantees. Intriguingly, this result is not derived by a specific analysis of SGDM: instead, it falls naturally out of a more general framework for converting online convex optimization algorithms to non-convex optimization algorithms.
Abstract:We develop a new reduction that converts any online convex optimization algorithm suffering $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret into an $\epsilon$-differentially private stochastic convex optimization algorithm with the optimal convergence rate $\tilde O(1/\sqrt{T} + \sqrt{d}/\epsilon T)$ on smooth losses in linear time, forming a direct analogy to the classical non-private "online-to-batch" conversion. By applying our techniques to more advanced adaptive online algorithms, we produce adaptive differentially private counterparts whose convergence rates depend on apriori unknown variances or parameter norms.
Abstract:In this paper, we focus on a popular DML framework -- the parameter server computation paradigm and iterative learning algorithms that proceed in rounds. We aim to reduce the communication complexity of Byzantine-tolerant DML algorithms in the single-hop radio network. Inspired by the CGC filter developed by Gupta and Vaidya, PODC 2020, we propose a gradient descent-based algorithm, Echo-CGC. Our main novelty is a mechanism to utilize the broadcast properties of the radio network to avoid transmitting the raw gradients (full $d$-dimensional vectors). In the radio network, each worker is able to overhear previous gradients that were transmitted to the parameter server. Roughly speaking, in Echo-CGC, if a worker "agrees" with a combination of prior gradients, it will broadcast the "echo message" instead of the its raw local gradient. The echo message contains a vector of coefficients (of size at most $n$) and the ratio of the magnitude between two gradients (a float). In comparison, the traditional approaches need to send $n$ local gradients in each round, where each gradient is typically a vector in an ultra-high dimensional space ($d\gg n$). The improvement on communication complexity of our algorithm depends on multiple factors, including number of nodes, number of faulty workers in an execution, and the cost function. We numerically analyze the improvement, and show that with a large number of nodes, Echo-CGC reduces $80\%$ of the communication under standard assumptions.