Abstract:In recent years, assessing the performance of researchers has become a burden due to the extensive volume of the existing research output. As a result, evaluators often end up relying heavily on a selection of performance indicators like the h-index. However, over-reliance on such indicators may result in reinforcing dubious research practices, while overlooking important aspects of a researcher's career, such as their exact role in the production of particular research works or their contribution to other important types of academic or research activities (e.g., production of datasets, peer reviewing). In response, a number of initiatives that attempt to provide guidelines towards fairer research assessment frameworks have been established. In this work, we present BIP! Scholar, a Web-based service that offers researchers the opportunity to set up profiles that summarise their research careers taking into consideration well-established guidelines for fair research assessment, facilitating the work of evaluators who want to be more compliant with the respective practices.
Abstract:The growth rate of the number of scientific publications is constantly increasing, creating important challenges in the identification of valuable research and in various scholarly data management applications, in general. In this context, measures which can effectively quantify the scientific impact could be invaluable. In this work, we present BIP! DB, an open dataset that contains a variety of impact measures calculated for a large collection of more than 100 million scientific publications from various disciplines.