Abstract:A facial morph is an image created by combining two (or more) face images pertaining to two (or more) distinct identities. Reference-free face demorphing inverts the process and tries to recover the face images constituting a facial morph without using any other information. However, there is no consensus on the evaluation metrics to be used to evaluate and compare such demorphing techniques. In this paper, we first analyze the shortcomings of the demorphing metrics currently used in the literature. We then propose a new metric called biometrically cross-weighted IQA that overcomes these issues and extensively benchmark current methods on the proposed metric to show its efficacy. Experiments on three existing demorphing methods and six datasets on two commonly used face matchers validate the efficacy of our proposed metric.
Abstract:A facial morph is an image created by combining two face images pertaining to two distinct identities. Face demorphing inverts the process and tries to recover the original images constituting a facial morph. While morph attack detection (MAD) techniques can be used to flag morph images, they do not divulge any visual information about the faces used to create them. Demorphing helps address this problem. Existing demorphing techniques are either very restrictive (assume identities during testing) or produce feeble outputs (both outputs look very similar). In this paper, we overcome these issues by proposing dc-GAN, a novel GAN-based demorphing method conditioned on the morph images. Our method overcomes morph-replication and produces high quality reconstructions of the bonafide images used to create the morphs. Moreover, our method is highly generalizable across demorphing paradigms (differential/reference-free). We conduct experiments on AMSL, FRLL-Morphs and MorDiff datasets to showcase the efficacy of our method.
Abstract:A face morph is created by combining the face images usually pertaining to two distinct identities. The goal is to generate an image that can be matched with two identities thereby undermining the security of a face recognition system. To deal with this problem, several morph attack detection techniques have been developed. But these methods do not extract any information about the underlying bonafides used to create them. Demorphing addresses this limitation. However, current demorphing techniques are mostly reference-based, i.e, they need an image of one of the identities to recover the other. In this work, we treat demorphing as an ill-posed decomposition problem. We propose a novel method that is reference-free and recovers the bonafides with high accuracy. Our method decomposes the morph into several identity-preserving feature components. A merger network then weighs and combines these components to recover the bonafides. Our method is observed to reconstruct high-quality bonafides in terms of definition and fidelity. Experiments on the CASIA-WebFace, SMDD and AMSL datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.
Abstract:Face Recognition Systems (FRS) are vulnerable to morph attacks. A face morph is created by combining multiple identities with the intention to fool FRS and making it match the morph with multiple identities. Current Morph Attack Detection (MAD) can detect the morph but are unable to recover the identities used to create the morph with satisfactory outcomes. Existing work in de-morphing is mostly reference-based, i.e. they require the availability of one identity to recover the other. Sudipta et al. \cite{ref9} proposed a reference-free de-morphing technique but the visual realism of outputs produced were feeble. In this work, we propose SDeMorph (Stably Diffused De-morpher), a novel de-morphing method that is reference-free and recovers the identities of bona fides. Our method produces feature-rich outputs that are of significantly high quality in terms of definition and facial fidelity. Our method utilizes Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM) by destroying the input morphed signal and then reconstructing it back using a branched-UNet. Experiments on ASML, FRLL-FaceMorph, FRLL-MorDIFF, and SMDD datasets support the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Abstract:Adversarial attacks in the input (pixel) space typically incorporate noise margins such as $L_1$ or $L_{\infty}$-norm to produce imperceptibly perturbed data that confound deep learning networks. Such noise margins confine the magnitude of permissible noise. In this work, we propose injecting adversarial perturbations in the latent (feature) space using a generative adversarial network, removing the need for margin-based priors. Experiments on MNIST, CIFAR10, Fashion-MNIST, CIFAR100 and Stanford Dogs datasets support the effectiveness of the proposed method in generating adversarial attacks in the latent space while ensuring a high degree of visual realism with respect to pixel-based adversarial attack methods.
Abstract:Manufacturing wafers is an intricate task involving thousands of steps. Defect Pattern Recognition (DPR) of wafer maps is crucial for determining the root cause of production defects, which may further provide insight for yield improvement in wafer foundry. During manufacturing, various defects may appear standalone in the wafer or may appear as different combinations. Identifying multiple defects in a wafer is generally harder compared to identifying a single defect. Recently, deep learning methods have gained significant traction in mixed-type DPR. However, the complexity of defects requires complex and large models making them very difficult to operate on low-memory embedded devices typically used in fabrication labs. Another common issue is the unavailability of labeled data to train complex networks. In this work, we propose an unsupervised training routine to distill the knowledge of complex pre-trained models to lightweight deployment-ready models. We empirically show that this type of training compresses the model without sacrificing accuracy despite being up to 10 times smaller than the teacher model. The compressed model also manages to outperform contemporary state-of-the-art models.
Abstract:Manufacturing wafers is an intricate task involving thousands of steps. Defect Pattern Recognition (DPR) of wafer maps is crucial to find the root cause of the issue and further improving the yield in the wafer foundry. Mixed-type DPR is much more complicated compared to single-type DPR due to varied spatial features, the uncertainty of defects, and the number of defects present. To accurately predict the number of defects as well as the types of defects, we propose a novel compact deformable convolutional transformer (DC Transformer). Specifically, DC Transformer focuses on the global features present in the wafer map by virtue of learnable deformable kernels and multi-head attention to the global features. The proposed method succinctly models the internal relationship between the wafer maps and the defects. DC Transformer is evaluated on a real dataset containing 38 defect patterns. Experimental results show that DC Transformer performs exceptionally well in recognizing both single and mixed-type defects. The proposed method outperforms the current state of the models by a considerable margin
Abstract:Identifying defect patterns in a wafer map during manufacturing is crucial to find the root cause of the underlying issue and provides valuable insights on improving yield in the foundry. Currently used methods use deep neural networks to identify the defects. These methods are generally very huge and have significant inference time. They also require GPU support to efficiently operate. All these issues make these models not fit for on-line prediction in the manufacturing foundry. In this paper, we propose an extremely simple yet effective technique to extract features from wafer images. The proposed method is extremely fast, intuitive, and non-parametric while being explainable. The experiment results show that the proposed pipeline outperforms conventional deep learning models. Our feature extraction requires no training or fine-tuning while preserving the relative shape and location of data points as revealed by our interpretability analysis.