Abstract:Unlike repetitions in Western Chess where all repetitions are draws, repetitions in Chinese Chess could result in a win, draw, or loss depending on the kind of repetition being made by both players. One of the biggest hurdles facing Chinese Chess application development is a proper system for judging games correctly. This paper introduces a complete algorithm for ruling the WXF rules correctly in all 110 example cases found in the WXF manual. We introduce several novel optimizations for speeding up the repetition handling without compromising the program correctness. This algorithm is usable in engines, and we saw a total increase in playing strength by +10 point rating increase, or an increased 5% winrate when integrating this approach into our prototype engine.
Abstract:NNUE (Efficiently Updatable Neural Networks) has revolutionized chess engine development, with nearly all top engines adopting NNUE models to maintain competitive performance. A key challenge in NNUE training is the creation of high-quality datasets, particularly in complex domains like chess, where tactical and strategic evaluations are essential. However, methods for constructing effective datasets remain poorly understood and under-documented. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for generating and filtering datasets composed of "quiet" positions that are stable and free from tactical volatility. Our approach provides a clear methodology for dataset creation, which can be replicated and generalized across various evaluation functions. Testing demonstrates significant improvements in engine performance, confirming the effectiveness of our method.