Abstract:The real-time interpretation of the logging-while-drilling data allows us to estimate the positions and properties of the geological layers in an anisotropic subsurface environment. Robust real-time estimations capturing uncertainty can be very useful for efficient geosteering operations. However, the model errors in the prior conceptual geological models and forward simulation of the measurements can be significant factors in the unreliable estimations of the profiles of the geological layers. The model errors are specifically pronounced when using a deep-neural-network (DNN) approximation which we use to accelerate and parallelize the simulation of the measurements. This paper presents a practical workflow consisting of offline and online phases. The offline phase includes DNN training and building of an uncertain prior near-well geo-model. The online phase uses the flexible iterative ensemble smoother (FlexIES) to perform real-time assimilation of extra-deep electromagnetic data accounting for the model errors in the approximate DNN model. We demonstrate the proposed workflow on a case study for a historic well in the Goliat Field (Barents Sea). The median of our probabilistic estimation is on-par with proprietary inversion despite the approximate DNN model and regardless of the number of layers in the chosen prior. By estimating the model errors, FlexIES automatically quantifies the uncertainty in the layers' boundaries and resistivities, which is not standard for proprietary inversion.
Abstract:The advent of fast sensing technologies allows for real-time model updates in many applications where the model parameters are uncertain. Bayesian algorithms, such as ensemble smoothers, offer a real-time probabilistic inversion accounting for uncertainties. However, they rely on the repeated evaluation of the computational models, and deep neural network (DNN) based proxies can be useful to address this computational bottleneck. This paper studies the effects of the approximate nature of the deep learned models and associated model errors during the inversion of extra-deep borehole electromagnetic (EM) measurements, which are critical for geosteering. Using a deep neural network (DNN) as a forward model allows us to perform thousands of model evaluations within seconds, which is very useful for quantifying uncertainties and non-uniqueness in real-time. While significant efforts are usually made to ensure the accuracy of the DNN models, it is known that they contain unknown model errors in the regions not covered by the training data. When DNNs are utilized during inversion of EM measurements, the effects of the model errors could manifest themselves as a bias in the estimated input parameters and, consequently, might result in a low-quality geosteering decision. We present numerical results highlighting the challenges associated with the inversion of EM measurements while neglecting model error. We further demonstrate the utility of a recently proposed flexible iterative ensemble smoother in reducing the effect of model bias by capturing the unknown model errors, thus improving the quality of the estimated subsurface properties for geosteering operation. Moreover, we describe a procedure for identifying inversion multimodality and propose possible solutions to alleviate it in real-time.