Abstract:We present AERO, a audio super-resolution model that processes speech and music signals in the spectral domain. AERO is based on an encoder-decoder architecture with U-Net like skip connections. We optimize the model using both time and frequency domain loss functions. Specifically, we consider a set of reconstruction losses together with perceptual ones in the form of adversarial and feature discriminator loss functions. To better handle phase information the proposed method operates over the complex-valued spectrogram using two separate channels. Unlike prior work which mainly considers low and high frequency concatenation for audio super-resolution, the proposed method directly predicts the full frequency range. We demonstrate high performance across a wide range of sample rates considering both speech and music. AERO outperforms the evaluated baselines considering Log-Spectral Distance, ViSQOL, and the subjective MUSHRA test. Audio samples and code are available at https://pages.cs.huji.ac.il/adiyoss-lab/aero
Abstract:Speech enhancement has seen great improvement in recent years using end-to-end neural networks. However, most models are agnostic to the spoken phonetic content. Recently, several studies suggested phonetic-aware speech enhancement, mostly using perceptual supervision. Yet, injecting phonetic features during model optimization can take additional forms (e.g., model conditioning). In this paper, we conduct a systematic comparison between different methods of incorporating phonetic information in a speech enhancement model. By conducting a series of controlled experiments, we observe the influence of different phonetic content models as well as various feature-injection techniques on enhancement performance, considering both causal and non-causal models. Specifically, we evaluate three settings for injecting phonetic information, namely: i) feature conditioning; ii) perceptual supervision; and iii) regularization. Phonetic features are obtained using an intermediate layer of either a supervised pre-trained Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) model or by using a pre-trained Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) model. We further observe the effect of choosing different embedding layers on performance, considering both manual and learned configurations. Results suggest that using a SSL model as phonetic features outperforms the ASR one in most cases. Interestingly, the conditioning setting performs best among the evaluated configurations.