Abstract:We present a modification of the superposition calculus that is meant to generate consequences of sets of first-order axioms. This approach is proven to be sound and deductive-complete in the presence of redundancy elimination rules, provided the considered consequences are built on a given finite set of ground terms, represented by constant symbols. In contrast to other approaches, most existing results about the termination of the superposition calculus can be carried over to our procedure. This ensures in particular that the calculus is terminating for many theories of interest to the SMT community.
Abstract:This paper investigates under which conditions instantiation-based proof procedures can be combined in a nested way, in order to mechanically construct new instantiation procedures for richer theories. Interesting applications in the field of verification are emphasized, particularly for handling extensions of the theory of arrays.
Abstract:Symmetries occur naturally in CSP or SAT problems and are not very difficult to discover, but using them to prune the search space tends to be very challenging. Indeed, this usually requires finding specific elements in a group of symmetries that can be huge, and the problem of their very existence is NP-hard. We formulate such an existence problem as a constraint problem on one variable (the symmetry to be used) ranging over a group, and try to find restrictions that may be solved in polynomial time. By considering a simple form of constraints (restricted by a cardinality k) and the class of groups that have the structure of Fp-vector spaces, we propose a partial algorithm based on linear algebra. This polynomial algorithm always applies when k=p=2, but may fail otherwise as we prove the problem to be NP-hard for all other values of k and p. Experiments show that this approach though restricted should allow for an efficient use of at least some groups of symmetries. We conclude with a few directions to be explored to efficiently solve this problem on the general case.