Abstract:In transportation systems and autonomous vehicles, intelligent agents must understand the future motion of traffic participants to effectively plan motion trajectories. At the same time, the motion of traffic participants is inherently uncertain. In this paper, we propose TrajFlow, a generative framework for estimating the occupancy density of traffic participants. Our framework utilizes a causal encoder to extract semantically meaningful embeddings of the observed trajectory, as well as a normalizing flow to decode these embeddings and determine the most likely future location of traffic participants at some time point in the future. Our formulation differs from existing approaches because we model the marginal distribution of spatial locations instead of the joint distribution of unobserved trajectories. The advantages of a marginal formulation are numerous. First, we demonstrate that the marginal formulation produces higher accuracy on challenging trajectory forecasting benchmarks. Second, the marginal formulation allows for a fully continuous sampling of future locations. Finally, marginal densities are better suited for downstream tasks as they allow for the computation of per-agent motion trajectories and occupancy grids, the two most commonly used representations for motion forecasting. We present a novel architecture based entirely on neural differential equations as an implementation of this framework and provide ablations to demonstrate the advantages of a continuous implementation over a more traditional discrete neural network based approach. The code is available at https://github.com/kosieram21/TrajFlow .