Abstract:There has been a considerable advance in computing, to mimic the way in which the brain tries to comprehend and structure the information to retrieve meaningful knowledge. It is identified that neuronal entities hold whole of the knowledge that the species makes use of. We intended to develop a modified knowledge based system, termed as Informledge System (ILS) with autonomous nodes and intelligent links that integrate and structure the pieces of knowledge. We conceive that every piece of knowledge is a cluster of cross-linked and correlated structure. In this paper, we put forward the theory of the nodes depicting concepts, referred as Entity Concept State which in turn is dealt with Concept State Diagrams (CSD). This theory is based on an abstract framework provided by the concepts. The framework represents the ILS as the weighted graph where the weights attached with the linked nodes help in knowledge retrieval by providing the direction of connectivity of autonomous nodes present in knowledge thread traversal. Here for the first time in the process of developing Informledge, we apply tenor computation for creating intelligent combinatorial knowledge with cross mutation to create fresh knowledge which looks to be the fundamentals of a typical thought process.
Abstract:Informledge System (ILS) is a knowledge network with autonomous nodes and intelligent links that integrate and structure the pieces of knowledge. In this paper, we aim to put forward the link dynamics involved in intelligent processing of information in ILS. There has been advancement in knowledge management field which involve managing information in databases from a single domain. ILS works with information from multiple domains stored in distributed way in the autonomous nodes termed as Knowledge Network Node (KNN). Along with the concept under consideration, KNNs store the processed information linking concepts and processors leading to the appropriate processing of information.
Abstract:Research in the field of Artificial Intelligence is continually progressing to simulate the human knowledge into automated intelligent knowledge base, which can encode and retrieve knowledge efficiently along with the capability of being is consistent and scalable at all times. However, there is no system at hand that can match the diversified abilities of human knowledge base. In this position paper, we put forward a theoretical model of a different system that intends to integrate pieces of knowledge, Informledge System (ILS). ILS would encode the knowledge, by virtue of knowledge units linked across diversified domains. The proposed ILS comprises of autonomous knowledge units termed as Knowledge Network Node (KNN), which would help in efficient cross-linking of knowledge units to encode fresh knowledge. These links are reasoned and inferred by the Parser and Link Manager, which are part of KNN.
Abstract:Informledge System (ILS) is a knowledge network with autonomous nodes and intelligent links that integrate and structure the pieces of knowledge. In this paper, we put forward the strategies for knowledge embedding and retrieval in an ILS. ILS is a powerful knowledge network system dealing with logical storage and connectivity of information units to form knowledge using autonomous nodes and multi-lateral links. In ILS, the autonomous nodes known as Knowledge Network Nodes (KNN)s play vital roles which are not only used in storage, parsing and in forming the multi-lateral linkages between knowledge points but also in helping the realization of intelligent retrieval of linked information units in the form of knowledge. Knowledge built in to the ILS forms the shape of sphere. The intelligence incorporated into the links of a KNN helps in retrieving various knowledge threads from a specific set of KNNs. A developed entity of information realized through KNN forms in to the shape of a knowledge cone