Abstract:Matrix-product states (MPS) have proven to be a versatile ansatz for modeling quantum many-body physics. For many applications, and particularly in one-dimension, they capture relevant quantum correlations in many-body wavefunctions while remaining tractable to store and manipulate on a classical computer. This has motivated researchers to also apply the MPS ansatz to machine learning (ML) problems where capturing complex correlations in datasets is also a key requirement. Here, we develop and apply an MPS-based algorithm, MPSTime, for learning a joint probability distribution underlying an observed time-series dataset, and show how it can be used to tackle important time-series ML problems, including classification and imputation. MPSTime can efficiently learn complicated time-series probability distributions directly from data, requires only moderate maximum MPS bond dimension $\chi_{\rm max}$, with values for our applications ranging between $\chi_{\rm max} = 20-150$, and can be trained for both classification and imputation tasks under a single logarithmic loss function. Using synthetic and publicly available real-world datasets, spanning applications in medicine, energy, and astronomy, we demonstrate performance competitive with state-of-the-art ML approaches, but with the key advantage of encoding the full joint probability distribution learned from the data. By sampling from the joint probability distribution and calculating its conditional entanglement entropy, we show how its underlying structure can be uncovered and interpreted. This manuscript is supplemented with the release of a publicly available code package MPSTime that implements our approach. The efficiency of the MPS-based ansatz for learning complex correlation structures from time-series data is likely to underpin interpretable advances to challenging time-series ML problems across science, industry, and medicine.