Abstract:Detecting the three-dimensional position and orientation of objects using a single RGB camera is a foundational task in computer vision with many important applications. Traditionally, 3D object detection methods are trained in a fully-supervised setup, requiring vast amounts of human annotations, which are laborious, costly, and do not scale well with the ever-increasing amounts of data being captured. In this paper, we present the first method to train 3D object detectors for monocular RGB cameras without domain-specific human annotations, thus making orders of magnitude more data available for training. Thanks to newly proposed Canonical Object Space, the method can not only exploit data across a variety of datasets and camera setups to train a single 3D detector, but unlike previous work it also works out of the box in previously unseen camera setups. All this is crucial for practical applications, where the data and cameras are extremely heterogeneous. The method is evaluated on two standard autonomous driving datasets, where it outperforms previous works, which, unlike our method, still rely on 2D human annotations.