Abstract:Recent advances in protecting node privacy on graph data and attacking graph neural networks (GNNs) gain much attention. The eye does not bring these two essential tasks together yet. Imagine an adversary can utilize the powerful GNNs to infer users' private labels in a social network. How can we adversarially defend against such privacy attacks while maintaining the utility of perturbed graphs? In this work, we propose a novel research task, adversarial defenses against GNN-based privacy attacks, and present a graph perturbation-based approach, NetFense, to achieve the goal. NetFense can simultaneously keep graph data unnoticeability (i.e., having limited changes on the graph structure), maintain the prediction confidence of targeted label classification (i.e., preserving data utility), and reduce the prediction confidence of private label classification (i.e., protecting the privacy of nodes). Experiments conducted on single- and multiple-target perturbations using three real graph data exhibit that the perturbed graphs by NetFense can effectively maintain data utility (i.e., model unnoticeability) on targeted label classification and significantly decrease the prediction confidence of private label classification (i.e., privacy protection). Extensive studies also bring several insights, such as the flexibility of NetFense, preserving local neighborhoods in data unnoticeability, and better privacy protection for high-degree nodes.
Abstract:Attributed network embedding (ANE) is to learn low-dimensional vectors so that not only the network structure but also node attributes can be preserved in the embedding space. Existing ANE models do not consider the specific combination between graph structure and attributes. While each node has its structural characteristics, such as highly-interconnected neighbors along with their certain patterns of attribute distribution, each node's neighborhood should be not only depicted by multi-hop nodes, but consider certain clusters or social circles. To model such information, in this paper, we propose a novel ANE model, Context Co-occurrence-aware Attributed Network Embedding (CoANE). The basic idea of CoANE is to model the context attributes that each node's involved diverse patterns, and apply the convolutional mechanism to encode positional information by treating each attribute as a channel. The learning of context co-occurrence can capture the latent social circles of each node. To better encode structural and semantic knowledge of nodes, we devise a three-way objective function, consisting of positive graph likelihood, contextual negative sampling, and attribute reconstruction. We conduct experiments on five real datasets in the tasks of link prediction, node label classification, and node clustering. The results exhibit that CoANE can significantly outperform state-of-the-art ANE models.