Abstract:Conventional coded computing frameworks are predominantly tailored for structured computations, such as matrix multiplication and polynomial evaluation. Such tasks allow the reuse of tools and techniques from algebraic coding theory to improve the reliability of distributed systems in the presence of stragglers and adversarial servers. This paper lays the foundation for general coded computing, which extends the applicability of coded computing to handle a wide class of computations. In addition, it particularly addresses the challenging problem of managing adversarial servers. We demonstrate that, in the proposed scheme, for a system with $N$ servers, where $\mathcal{O}(N^a)$, $a \in [0,1)$, are adversarial, the supremum of the average approximation error over all adversarial strategies decays at a rate of $N^{\frac{6}{5}(a-1)}$, under minimal assumptions on the computing tasks. Furthermore, we show that within a general framework, the proposed scheme achieves optimal adversarial robustness, in terms of maximum number of adversarial servers it can tolerate. This marks a significant step toward practical and reliable general coded computing. Implementation results further validate the effectiveness of the proposed method in handling various computations, including inference in deep neural networks.
Abstract:Motivated by emerging decentralized applications, the \emph{game of coding} framework has been recently introduced to address scenarios where the adversary's control over coded symbols surpasses the fundamental limits of traditional coding theory. Still, the reward mechanism available in decentralized systems, motivates the adversary to act rationally. While the decoder, as the data collector (DC), has an acceptance and rejection mechanism, followed by an estimation module, the adversary aims to maximize its utility, as an increasing function of (1) the chance of acceptance (to increase the reward), and (2) estimation error. On the other hand, the decoder also adjusts its acceptance rule to maximize its own utility, as (1) an increasing function of the chance of acceptance (to keep the system functional), (2) decreasing function of the estimation error. Prior works within this framework rely on the assumption that the game is complete, that is, both the DC and the adversary are fully aware of each other's utility functions. However, in practice, the decoder is often unaware of the utility of the adversary. To address this limitation, we develop an algorithm enabling the DC to commit to a strategy that achieves within the vicinity of the equilibrium, without knowledge of the adversary's utility function. Our approach builds on an observation that at the equilibrium, the relationship between the probability of acceptance and the mean squared error (MSE) follows a predetermined curve independent of the specific utility functions of the players. By exploiting this invariant relationship, the DC can iteratively refine its strategy based on observable parameters, converging to a near-optimal solution. We provide theoretical guarantees on sample complexity and accuracy of the proposed scheme.